Everyone is gifted with magical abilities, have you activated yours?
I’m not talking about superpowers like flying or being invisible (although I believe some people could, probably 1000 years ago), but I am talking about natural abilities you’re born with!
Magic is energy in the universe, everything has its own vibration and frequency and our bodies are energy transformers, we transform energy we can’t even physically see.
Some of you might have high intuitions, some of you (like one of my friend) might receive Angel numbers easily (messages from angels through numbers), some of you could tap into people’s chakras, move and heal for them and some of you could even do astral travel, your soul leaves your body and travel anywhere! Cool right?
If you haven’t found yours, it doesn’t mean you don’t have any! It’s because you probably not realize it yet, and you just need to practice and unlock your abilities!
How to practice?
■ Be present – Simply just be present wherever you are at, put down your phone, look around and OBSERVE from your organs to the whole body.
LOOK at how people react to things, how they walk etc. Pay attention to what is happening around you and LISTEN, how many sounds you’re hearing? Are they loud or soft? Does it make you nervous or relaxed? And my favourite part, FEEL from your heart and your skin. Is your heart racing? Why? Do you feel itchy or having goosebumps all the sudden without touch anything?
Every small detail could be telling you something, you might feel differently and find something new on the same street you are on every day.
■ Meditate – 15 mins in a day is all you need if you are new to meditation or if you’re someone find it hard to sit still like me. Or even just 5 mins if you have a busy day, First 5 minutes after you wake up or 5 minutes before bed!
I personally find meditating before bed is best (I can fall asleep easily!), go on YouTube and search ‘Guided Meditation’ and you can start with those! Instead of calming your mind, I would say it helps to calm the body a lot! Where you start to be aware of your subconscious mind instead of your conscious mind and the human body……
Recommendations for you: Morning GRATITUDE Meditation Guided | Best 12 Minutes How To Manifest Anything! Visualize What You Want (POWERFUL GUIDED MEDITATION!) (26 minutes)
■ Listen to your heart/gut – You might wonder: ‘How do I know if it’s my heart telling me something or if I am going crazy?’
I honestly can’t tell you what’s the feeling of the second one, but your heart/gut should never harm you. You may find yourself questioning yourself sometimes, it almost feels like talking to yourself without speaking it out. For example, I found my mind is clearer at night time. I can finally take off all the extra energies I had to carry in the day and free my mind. The extra energies you put on from work or social life could somehow cover what your heart truly feels. Your heart is always trying to tell you something, we just tend to ignore because of what reality wants. This is why you get that ‘it doesn’t feel right..’ feeling when you did something using your mind instead of your heart.
Your brain is to analyze things and keep you in the safe zone, but your heart is to take you to experience life.
What are my magical abilities?
Of course, I won’t leave this blog finished without sharing my magical abilities! My gift is I am sensitive to people’s energy, which means I am easier to absorb people’s emotion and energy! Trust me I thought it was a curse at one point, but the more I try to understand the more I appreciate what I have! It took me more than 20 years to realize it is a gift and I’m still at baby level! I have a lifetime to discover and unlock deeper and more abilities, it will be something I can never finish learning!
Last but not least:
Remember, YOU CREATE YOUR OWN MAGIC. You use your magic to create this lifetime experience and you are the one to decide how you want to live your life.
Thank you for reading and discover the magic with me! Please do share your magical abilities with me, or your journey how did you discover it 🙂 Hope you all have a magical and beautiful day, I’ll see you soon xx Let’s be friends! Instagram: @justbellalaw Facebook: @justbellalaw