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8 Ways To Find INSPIRATION Every Day To Refresh Your Life

Do you ever feel like you’ve been living your life by doing the same thing over and over again?Like you’ve been running in circles? You wonder everyday where to find inspiration and how to get a refresh of life. You go through your daily tasks wondering just how others continuously find inspiration every day… It could be from doing the same job, the same evening routine or even dating the same person for years. That spark is just gone.

You feel nothing but stuck.

The feeling of getting inspired is like your first taste of soda, the sparkling bubbles popping in your mouth and brain, it’s REFRESHING!

But here’s the thing…where do we find it?

Inspiration is EVERYWHERE. It’s in the air we breathe, it’s in the smile of your best friend. It’s in the joyful laughter of your 6-month-old niece.

It’s inside us.

Absorbing inspiration is like recharging our batteries, we just need to know where to find it!

Here are 8 Ways To Find Inspiration Every Day


1. Connect with people who share the same goals

friends happily together under sunset Talk to people and share your goals! Don’t be shy to talk about it, sometimes you will find people who share the same goals as you. They could be working ahead of you and they will be able to share their experience with you and things you might not even think of! It’s also hard to keep yourself motivated when you don’t have anyone to talk to, you might found someone who will encourage and give a little push to overcome procrastinating! Do you know when you say something out loud, it also activates your brain THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING. The more you talk about it, the more affirmed it is to you.

2. Make a bucket list

writing bucket list Bucket lists not only help to remind of your dreams and goals but also makes you feel accomplished when you seeing yourself meeting the goals you’ve set and it’s satisfying by checking the boxes of your list! Besides, having a bucket list will help increase your motivation. Before you start your list, you need to think about what you truly want to complete in your life by asking your inner self. It probably won’t be heading to the beach this Sunday or going for a spa in the afternoon. It should be something BIG for you, something you want to challenge yourself, for example: Wake up at 5 am on the weekdays / go to the gym 5 times a week for a year/ skydiving in Spain or even going on a liveaboard in another country! When you start to focus on your own goals you will get to see all the inspiration in daily life that you probably never paid attention before, you might finally notice your little brother who always spends time on his phone is actually self-learning Italian from Duolingo, or your co-worker Selena who barely go out because she’s actually studying for a diploma.

3. Travel

road trip with a yellow car You don’t even have to get on a plane! Do you know you can easily trick your brain by not following what already knew? Just find a different route to work, your brain knows you are about to get the coffee at your favorite cafe at the corner but this time you find a different way by turning left to walk past the beautiful park instead! Go for a different routine to give your brain an excitement, the change of scenery will give you a fresh start to your day! But of course, if you can manage to actually travel once awhile I promise you will see the world differently. You don’t need a long flight to the other side of the earth, a short flight to the island for the weekend with nothing but sunshine and beach (heaven with a gin and tonic) will be an amazing recharge of life! Shut your mind off a little and explore a new city would also give you a refreshing start to start off the week!

4. Laugh more

a laughing horse Laughing releases those feel-good hormones that can lift your mood and refresh your thought patterns. Don’t feel awkward to laugh out loud if you found anything funny, share it and laugh with your friends next to you! Laughing is a good energy which can express to people around you, Do you know laugh can also help to reduce stress. When you laugh you automatically trigger your brain to produce endorphins and that helps to calm your stress levels down. There’s also a study that found laughter can help to burn fat! After reading this how can you not laugh! Here’s a 1-minute video of a polar bear on ice that I still can’t stop laughing after watching it over 100 times ( i was literally in tears literally by the end!)


5. Music therapy

you are what you listen to Music is a therapy that you can actually ‘time travel’ from. When the right songs hit you, it might bring you back to the memory whether it was a sweet or bitter one. Either helps to flashback to the moment that was hidden in your subconscious mind might make you realize the good feeling that you’ve forgotten or even the breakup you had with someone you spent years with. I know it sounds weird, who would want to throwback to breakups? But look at the stronger person you’ve become is definitely inspiring. A comfort melody can also help relieve your nerves and put your mind in a steady stage, you will be willing to absorb more positive energy around you or even clear your mind with your favorite song at the moment! Follow my playlist here for a relaxing moment: Candlelight chill

6. Go for a workout

You wouldn’t know how strong your mind can affect you than your body does if you never get into a great workout. Do you know working out NOT ONLY can reduce stress from the body system but also helps to improve your mood? Let’s be honest during the workout you might want to die ( I DO!) but once you get over it, you’ll feel accomplished, happier and stronger and these are all benefits from the workout. When you feel you’ve completed ‘mission impossible’, your mindset will change! All a sudden you will feel more powerful (physically and mentally) and that will get you to do and see things or most excited is you will feel refreshed and your way of thinking would surprise you! Looking for a workout that suits you? Here are some recommendations from myself:


7. Get back to nature daylight in jungle

After all, we are only human, and human living based in nature – mother earth. Trees provide us oxygen to breathe, rivers give us water and the sun makes us feel alive. We are living in a high tech century, it makes our life easier but at the same time it also stresses us out a lot in every way. A simple get-away back to nature without any tech tools, throw away whatever been hunting on your mind, just take a deep breath of the natural air, start paying attention to the birds singing, listen to the burble of the river and absorb the what the sun gives you. Let nature feed our soul, to guild us with our next step, it sounds so simple but it really helps to clear our mind from this busy world.


8. Be a volunteer 

The more blessed to give than to receive, we take so much from the world and it’s time for us to do a little something to return. Helping others makes us feel valuable, it doesn’t necessarily require money, but we can give in so many ways. I’m an animal person my favorite is to help out in the animal center, playing and taking care of animals somehow calm my mind down, it feels like therapy. There’s a lot of volunteering jobs you can start from, animal center, tutoring, visiting elderly, etc.. even taking photos can help others! So much we can learn from volunteering, you get to see things you don’t get to see in the circle you live in. Learn to see things from other’s angle, try to take time to understand different situations. You might learn some new skills or even discover a new side of you by accepting new challenges!

You are more than you think you could be, sometimes we just need a fresh start by doing something we don’t normally do.

If you have any more ideas, feel free to comment down below to share with us.